Krzysztof Grzybacz, Petrit Halilaj, Andrzej Mitan, Agnieszka Polska, Zbigniew Warpechowski

Birds and Flowers

Project Info

  • 💙 Galeria Dawid Radziszewski, Vienna
  • đŸ–€ Krzysztof Grzybacz, Petrit Halilaj, Andrzej Mitan, Agnieszka Polska, Zbigniew Warpechowski
  • 💜 Grzegorz WrĂłblewski [tr. Agnieszka Pokojska]
  • 💛 @kunstdokumentationcom

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Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Birds and Flowers, exhibition view
Petrit Halilaj untitled (for Felix) feathers of a pillow previously belonging to a loved one
Petrit Halilaj untitled (for Felix) feathers of a pillow previously belonging to a loved one
Andrzej Mitan Ptaki, 1987 vinyl 37'04"
Andrzej Mitan Ptaki, 1987 vinyl 37'04"
Krzysztof Grzybacz Flowers, 2024 oil on canvas 280 × 320cm
Krzysztof Grzybacz Flowers, 2024 oil on canvas 280 × 320cm
Zbigniew Warpechowski March II, 17.03.1984 performance 9'25"
Zbigniew Warpechowski March II, 17.03.1984 performance 9'25"
Agnieszka Polska The Book of Flowers, 2023 16 mm film 9'30"
Agnieszka Polska The Book of Flowers, 2023 16 mm film 9'30"
A Match Today I saw a boy feeding a pigeon a red frankfurter. They ate together. What a splendid sight! Carnivorous boy Carnivorous bird.
Grzegorz WrĂłblewski [tr. Agnieszka Pokojska]