Felix Kindermann

Social Inventories

Project Info

  • 💙 Essex Flowers
  • 💚 Essex Flowers
  • 🖤 Felix Kindermann
  • 💜 Zachary B. Feldman
  • 💛 Marc Tatti

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Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Awning (House), 2024 Stainless steel 59.5 x 39 x 18 inches
Awning (House), 2024 Stainless steel 59.5 x 39 x 18 inches
Awning (House), 2024 Detail
Awning (House), 2024 Detail
Emotions, T, Jan 11, 1999 (Adv. Det. Pfizer) Color magazine print 8.5 x 8 inches Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection
Emotions, T, Jan 11, 1999 (Adv. Det. Pfizer) Color magazine print 8.5 x 8 inches Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Nude, Aperture, Fall 2015 Black and White magazine print 10.9 x 14.3 inches Mikhailov, Boris. Aperture Magazine. Fall 2015 Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection
Nude, Aperture, Fall 2015 Black and White magazine print 10.9 x 14.3 inches Mikhailov, Boris. Aperture Magazine. Fall 2015 Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Awning (Bodega), 2024 Stainless steel 39 x 27 x 39 inches
Awning (Bodega), 2024 Stainless steel 39 x 27 x 39 inches
Awning (Bodega), 2024 Detail
Awning (Bodega), 2024 Detail
Awning (Residence), 2024 Stainless steel 47.3 x 32 x 24 inches
Awning (Residence), 2024 Stainless steel 47.3 x 32 x 24 inches
Awning (Residence), 2024 Detail
Awning (Residence), 2024 Detail
Kissing, #21,283 1986 Color magazine print 9.75 x 7.3 inches Goldin, Nan. The Ballad of Sexual Dependency. New York: Aperture, 1986. Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection
Kissing, #21,283 1986 Color magazine print 9.75 x 7.3 inches Goldin, Nan. The Ballad of Sexual Dependency. New York: Aperture, 1986. Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Astronomy - Moon, #21.262 (© 1988), Lunar Surface Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection Black and White print 10.8 x 14.5 inches The Home Planet / conceived and edited by Kevin W. Kelley for the Association of Space Explorers
Astronomy - Moon, #21.262 (© 1988), Lunar Surface Courtesy N.Y. Public Library, Picture Collection Black and White print 10.8 x 14.5 inches The Home Planet / conceived and edited by Kevin W. Kelley for the Association of Space Explorers
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Social Inventories, 2024 Installation view
Anatomy - Brain, 2024 Archive folder 16.5 x 13.5 x 3 inches
Anatomy - Brain, 2024 Archive folder 16.5 x 13.5 x 3 inches
Anatomy - Brain, 2024 Archive folder 16.5 x 13.5 x 3 inches
Anatomy - Brain, 2024 Archive folder 16.5 x 13.5 x 3 inches
not the domain of the backroom store clerk, but rather that of all humans and their social communication, which becomes revealed once we pierce through to the underlying structures of our built environment. Felix Kindermann is an interdisciplinary artist currently based in Brussels, Belgium. Central to his work is the social relationship between individuals within our collective society. He earned an MFA in Industrial Design from HfbK (Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg) and an MFA in Visual Art from Sint-Lukas Brussels. He is currently Visiting Professor for Mixed Media and Sculpture at LUCA School of Arts, Ghent and was a stipend at ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program) New York 2022-23. His work was exhibited at Gallery Jahn und Jahn, Lisbon (2024); Z33, Hasselt (2024); Goethe-Institut New York, New York (2023); Lewis Center for the Arts, Princeton (2023); P.A.D., New York (2023); Whitebox Art Center, New York (2022); Kunsthal Gent (2021); Simultanhalle and Museum Ludwig, Cologne (2021); KANAL — Centre Pompidou, Brussels (2020); KIT — Kunst im Tunnel (2020); S.M.A.K. — Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent (2019); Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle (2019); Fondation CAB, Brussels (2019) and Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, 45cbm (2015), Baden-Baden among others. The exhibition is supported by the Flemish Arts Council and SOFAM
Zachary B. Feldman