Solweig de Barry
Zwischen Dicht und Dünn
Project Info
- 💙 Kunstverein Heilbronn
- 💚 Matthia Löbke
- 🖤 Solweig de Barry
- 💜 Matthia Löbke
- 💛 kela-mo
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One of the distinctive qualities of Solweig de Barry’s painting (*1987 in Strasbourg, lives and works in Berlin) is the balance between suggestion and formulation, conceptual distance and intuition, between representation and abstraction.
She shows paintings on canvas and a large stained glass window. The artist uses personal photographs as the starting point for her works. She works on these motifs in a process of deconstruction. This results in a fragmentary, gestural style of painting that is at once suggestive and formally present. The intellectual exploration of painting in terms of its motifs, color surfaces, forms and lines, the painting process and the respective gestures is furthermore reflected in her serious and, at the same time, playful experimentation with materials.
She was therefore looking for a way to create paintings on glass whose colors are translucent and thus also cast a colored shadow. The two-dimensional painting expands into space, with reflections, repetitions and the movement of the sun and light.
Matthia Löbke