Wiktoria Kieniksman, Mikołaj Sobotka

Go ahead, stare

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It’s been a year since they first met. Destiny brought them together during last year’s Date with WGW*. He always wanted to meet her, she had no idea he existed. True destiny.
Were they a perfect match? Endless conversations about railings, bread, asses and glue. Destiny. They never meet again, but there's still hope, because strangely enough they're here together at the moment... on their second first date. 
What I don't see is the most interesting and desirable. Just before the ‘moment’ I still have tension and unstoppable excitement inside me, my imagination is working at its best. At the moment of 'discovery', all the charm goes away, you come into contact with reality, with matter, everything returns back to normal. The greatest emotions are made by what is not there, what cannot be done.
Sometimes I'm afraid I'll say something stupid, I'd rather not talk, I'll stare, but at what? Maybe I'll stare until sight goes to the spot on the forehead between the eyes?
You again? You know what, I have a friend and I'm not interested in you at all. We look at each other and that stare is getting shorter and shorter..............do my breath smells?.......... nvm I want to write something about romantic disgust. I'm off to the market, maybe I'll think of something else when I get back.
xxx Wiktoria *Date with WGW - last year's exhibition as part of Warsaw Gallery Weekend during which Turnus looked up for partners for Szaber members, to then present the work of selected couples.