Guim Tió


Guim Tió (b. 1987 in Barcelona, ES) presents his second solo exhibition Despertares with Ruttkowski;68 in Paris.
At (ir-)regular intervals, we pause amidst the routine and rush of everyday life. In sleep, we slip away from the linear flow of time, drifting into spaces filled with fragments of memories, emotions, and fleeting impressions. Dreams offer vivid experiences without requiring precise recollection. But it’s in the transition between sleep and wakefulness that the unfamiliar and the familiar intertwine—a moment of holding onto fragments that memory has not yet let fade. Each time we remember, the story shifts, shaped by the vast possibilities that exist when no one else bears witness, leaving behind only a faint sensation or a lingering thought.
This exhibition places sleeping figures and the uncertain landscapes of their dreams at its core. Tió’s distinctive visual language captures this fragile state, where reality and imagination converge, the familiar becomes abstract, and the boundaries between the tangible and the surreal blur. Dreams hold endless possibilities for reshaping narratives, yet they slip away the moment we try to articulate them—much like paintings, which resist full explanation and are completed only in the gaze of the viewer.