Archive 2021 KubaParis


The sky is erupting from inside the bowels
The sky is erupting from inside the bowels
This pit has become too tight for me.
This pit has become too tight for me.


Gallery Victoria


02.04 –24.04.2021


Sergey Balandin


Dima Ptitsyn


At the centre of the exhibition are situated the hero’s six childhood memories about their first encounter of fear. These memories are embodied in art pieces scattered across the exhibition in the shape of ceramic sculptures, videos, pictures and drawings – they immerse us in the atmosphere of childhood imagination and the primal fear of the inanimate.


In Contemporary Art there is a strong focus on manipulating the materials. Artists, in one way or another, tend to show the things surrounding them from new points of view. In childhood there was no such perspective. It was as simple as evening turning your backyard with a familiar bush into a mystery forest, or the perception of an old cloth that has been hanging for three years blurring in terms of the living and the non-living. Digging into our memories, we can meet a mixture of experiences and events that have a completely different interpretation from what you normally expect. An unexpectedly broken elevator is crying out for his existence, and other everyday objects are tenderly whisper to you – we exist too.

Sergey Balandin