Archive 2021 KubaParis

Valmue Valentino

Installation view
Installation view
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, Five stone game, 2021, Fabric, stones, steel
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, Five stone game, 2021, Fabric, stones, steel
Cecilie Skov, Mirroring, 2021, Epoxy, steel, silicone, prop flower
Cecilie Skov, Mirroring, 2021, Epoxy, steel, silicone, prop flower
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan,  A handful of salt, 2021, Bronze
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, A handful of salt, 2021, Bronze
Installation view
Installation view
Cecilie Skov, Mirroring, 2021, Epoxy, steel, silicone, prop flower
Cecilie Skov, Mirroring, 2021, Epoxy, steel, silicone, prop flower
Installation view
Installation view
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, Manti, 2021, Terracotta
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, Manti, 2021, Terracotta
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, To feel the lack of something, that should have been yours, 2021, Wood, scarf, curtain
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, To feel the lack of something, that should have been yours, 2021, Wood, scarf, curtain
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, Manti, 2021, Terracotta
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan, Manti, 2021, Terracotta
Cecilie Skov, Mirroring, 2021, Epoxy, steel, silicone, prop flower
Cecilie Skov, Mirroring, 2021, Epoxy, steel, silicone, prop flower


Four Boxes


26.05 –05.06.2021


Mai Dengsøe


Per Andersen


A duo show with artists Cecilie Skov and Aia Sofia Coverley Turan at Four Boxes.


Valmue Valentino: a duo show with artists Cecilie Skov and Aia Sofia Coverley Turan. The exhibition deals with repetition and transformation. Through a sculptural installation the two artists - both simultaneously working with figuration and abstraction - seek to describe the plasticity of absence and examine the weight of emotional materiality. Cecilie Skov (1988), MFA Royal Danish Academy of Art and BA Fine Arts Goldsmiths Aia Sofia Coverley Turan (1994) Royal Danish Academy of Arts and Academy of Fine Arts, Perugia

Mai Dengsøe