Pegasus Product
Vogelkäfig (Birdcage)
Project Info
- 💙 Galerie Georg Nothelfer
- 🖤 Pegasus Product
- 💜 Dargelos Kersten
- 💛 Gernot Seeliger
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How humans might soon make wider contact with an alien species
We all know the lines on globes and maps commonly known as longitude and latitude. But where do those lines originate from? A team of Art and Science researchers have now found clues to this riddle maybe even older than humanity itself.
"The timeframe is still debatable, but we estimate it to be around the time when the moon formed", says Dargelos Kersten of Pegasus Product, the group of researchers and artist currently investigating what has been named "Birdcage Theory".
Ca 4.51 billion years ago the ancestors of an alien spheroid species had built a megastructure around the young earth resembling a gargantuan birdcage, the researches hypothesize. But this alone wouldn't have been worth investigating if it weren't for a drama of cosmic proportions to unfold, involving two opposing factions and an event that lead to our world being as we know it today.
For reasons yet unknown, the faction of ancient beings called “β-Spheroids” wanted to establish constant climate zones on the planet. With the megastructure hovering above the surface in a fixed orbit, this effectively oriented earth's rotational axis at a right angle to the celestial reference frame.
"This sounds quite abstract and foreign to us", says Gernot Seeliger, one of the researchers, "because what we are used to is very different." On a cosmic scale this difference may be small, but the results lead to all life on earth as is known today.
Seeliger is talking about the effect of eccentricity, the wobbling of earth around it's own rotational axis. This wobbling is caused mainly by earth's moon and is responsible for the seasons and change of climate round the year. As established in the giant-impact hypothesis, the Moon may have formed through the collision of the planet Theia with earth.
The team now ties this hypothesis to their own research. "Theia may have been the means of the opposing α-Spheroids to destroy the mega-structure.", says Anton Peitersen in their 2024 paper.
This event lead to the dominance of the α-Spheroids and the β-Spheroids fading into the background.[1]
The road of science is long and windy. And it often takes coincidences for new knowledge to emerge.
Seeliger had been part of a club of bird-enthusiasts called V.O.G.E.L.[2] for years alongside his scientific career. During this time he had observed many birds who's diet consists mainly of rosehips, construct spherical or hemispherical nests.
Older studies indicate a strong gene altering potential of the rosehip nut. And when grown in low gravity it's vines form spherical structures similar to the ones hypothesized to have been built around the earth billions of years ago.
Combining those findings the team came to believe the building plans of the mega structure may be encoded into the rosehip DNA and through heightened absorption, this information may be transferred genetically, potentially taking generations to show effects.
Peitersen continues: “This might also become a way of establishing a form of contact with the since long absent β-Spheroids”, who seem to have found ways to project their information over billions of years, which we now perceive as a pattern-like iconography.
Since the lines of longitude and latitude have long been established in some human cultures it is probable that there have been prior attempts of contact. Though the direction is not known.
In an effort of experimental studies Pegasus Product constructed an environment, enabling humans to experience their surrounding as if they themselves were birds.
Despite the many great contributions of art to science, this is the first time such an experiment is being conducted, harnessing the open-mindedness of the art audience.
"In addition to the transfer of information via DNA over generations, we hope to find additional ways of communicating with the β-Speroids by means of this setup." Says Seeliger.
The visitors are invited to experience the gene-altering effects of the rose hip in a safe environment and with a bit of luck make their first Spheroid contact.
[1] It is a little known, yet all the more controversial fact, that Kersten has been collaborating with the dominant α-Spheroids.
"I rather not let this opportunity to communicate with the ones closest to the subject of our research slip over some human moral alliance with a party we barely begin to comprehend.", says Kersten in his defense.
[2] V.O.G.E.L. stands for “Verein zur Observation grob Evidenzbasierter Lamentationen”, which approximately translates to “Association for the Observation of Roughly Evidence-based Lamentations”. The Lamentation is a reference to the Lamenting Bowler Hat Dove, the founders favourite fowl.
Dargelos Kersten