Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO)
Once you see the pattern, things fall into place
Project Info
- đ Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof
- đ€ Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO)
- đ Maik GrĂ€f
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Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf

Anna Nero & Aldo Freund (ANNALDO), Once you see the pattern, things fall into place, 2024, Installation View, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, photo: Maik GrÀf
The train station is a place of transit. It is neither where you come from, nor is it your destination. It has a function (Motor) and yet no identity (Le Crobag). Anna Nero and Aldo Freund are presenting jointly produced work in the four showcases. The combined style of the two artists describes the states of being which arise in waiting places and sets them in a larger, more general context: Idleness, repetition, stuck chewing gum.
Function and no identity. This assertion is translated into an aesthetic of default settings - an option pre-selected by a program that defaults to something when no alternative is given. These are functional appearances that are determined by upstream decisions with no identity. Within these works, a conflict arises between representation and content.
The exhibition was organized by the off-space DAS GERICHT, which has been occupying the outdoor showcases of a Frankfurt parking lot since 2022. It is the first part of a collaboration between DAS GERICHT and the Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof. Next winter, the Kunstverein will be a guest in the display windows of the Frankfurt project space.