Si-Ying Fung, Sylvie Ringer
Wandernde (The Wandering)
Project Info
- 💙 FRISE Künstler*innenhaus
- 🖤 Si-Ying Fung, Sylvie Ringer
- 💜 Si-Ying Fung, Sylvie Ringer
- 💛 André Giesemann
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Wanderers are on the move between places and times, generations; they can be objects or living beings, experiences and memories. They roam through changing landscapes and societies and make new connections. Wandering can be a physical movement and a narrative movement, along questions of origins or borders and against the closure of these.
In THE WANDERING, the artists Sylvie Ringer (drawing, works on paper installations) and Si-Ying Fung (object, installation) talk about these different movements which are part of their artistic works. Be it migratory animal and plant species that find new paths due to human trade and climate change and are now labeled as "foreign invaders", or the internal processes of "finding one's way".
Sylvie Ringer is interested in the possible insights about ourselves that can lie in mirroring, locating and recognizing ourselves in the landscape and our surroundings. Migration, settlement and growth are understood as profound external, but also internal processes. She reflects on the migrations and settlement movements of her family and ancestors with an awareness of the deep connections that exist between past and present.
Questions about the relationship between place and identity and about cultural affiliation are recurring themes in Si-Ying Fung's works (object, installation). Labels and categories and, above all, their failure are the starting point of her narratives. She is currently exploring the cultural-historical and linguistic levels of the biological phenomenon of "invasive species": our narratives about them and the resulting categories such as "native"/"non-native" and belonging/alien.
Si-Ying Fung, Sylvie Ringer