Alexey Ankheev, Sasha Kupriyanov, Vitaly Bezpalov, Sasha Deyash, Anna Demina, Natasha Perova, Elina Marusova, Katya Zhilina, Sasha Kochetkova, Lidia Lyalina.

His voice makes everything possible

Project Info

  • 💙 Devevyatnadtsat' gallery
  • 💚 Konstantin Serp
  • 🖤 Alexey Ankheev, Sasha Kupriyanov, Vitaly Bezpalov, Sasha Deyash, Anna Demina, Natasha Perova, Elina Marusova, Katya Zhilina, Sasha Kochetkova, Lidia Lyalina.
  • 💜 Konstantin Serp
  • 💛 Denis Lapshin

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Alexey Ankheev, Shadow, 2023, Computer graphics, printing on photo paper, pvc, 80 x 100 cm
Alexey Ankheev, Shadow, 2023, Computer graphics, printing on photo paper, pvc, 80 x 100 cm
Group show
Alexey Ankheev, Shadow, 2023, Computer graphics, printing on photo paper, pvc, Details
Alexey Ankheev, Shadow, 2023, Computer graphics, printing on photo paper, pvc, Details
Sasha Kochetkova, Katya №2, 2023, canvas, oil, 40 x 50 cm
Sasha Kochetkova, Katya №2, 2023, canvas, oil, 40 x 50 cm
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Vitaly Bezpalov, Kss m3 (SALT SELLER files), 2023, Marker on FABRIANO Extra White paper 300 g/m2, 21 x 29 cm
Vitaly Bezpalov, Kss m3 (SALT SELLER files), 2023, Marker on FABRIANO Extra White paper 300 g/m2, 21 x 29 cm
Natasha Perova, I don't care about my past anymore, 2023, Canvas, acrylic, airbrush, 70 x 70 cm
Natasha Perova, I don't care about my past anymore, 2023, Canvas, acrylic, airbrush, 70 x 70 cm
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Natasha Perova, I don't care about my past anymore, 2023, Canvas, acrylic, airbrush, 70 x 70 cm
Natasha Perova, I don't care about my past anymore, 2023, Canvas, acrylic, airbrush, 70 x 70 cm
Anna Demina, 4:38 am, 2023, oak, gesso, oil, 10 x 10 cm
Anna Demina, 4:38 am, 2023, oak, gesso, oil, 10 x 10 cm
Anna Demina, 4:38 am, 2023, oak, gesso, oil, 10 x 10 cm
Anna Demina, 4:38 am, 2023, oak, gesso, oil, 10 x 10 cm
Sasha Deyash, A wound, an arrow and a swansong; I need a pair of wings, snowlike and translucent, 2022, Canvas, oil, metal, 30 x 30 cm
Sasha Deyash, A wound, an arrow and a swansong; I need a pair of wings, snowlike and translucent, 2022, Canvas, oil, metal, 30 x 30 cm
Sasha Deyash, A wound, an arrow and a swansong; I need a pair of wings, snowlike and translucent, 2022, Canvas, oil, metal, 30 x 30 cm, Details
Sasha Deyash, A wound, an arrow and a swansong; I need a pair of wings, snowlike and translucent, 2022, Canvas, oil, metal, 30 x 30 cm, Details
Katya Zilina, Annunziata, 2023, Oil and charcoal pencil on rice paper, 50 x 74 cm
Katya Zilina, Annunziata, 2023, Oil and charcoal pencil on rice paper, 50 x 74 cm
Katya Zilina, Annunziata, 2023, Oil and charcoal pencil on rice paper, 50 x 74 cm, Details
Katya Zilina, Annunziata, 2023, Oil and charcoal pencil on rice paper, 50 x 74 cm, Details
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Sasha Kupriyanov, Say my name, 2023, Photo transfer on fabric, 36 x 46 cm, Details
Sasha Kupriyanov, Say my name, 2023, Photo transfer on fabric, 36 x 46 cm, Details
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Lidia Lyalina, I'll see you from everywhere, 1986, paper, pencil, 16.5 x 12 cm
Lidia Lyalina, I'll see you from everywhere, 1986, paper, pencil, 16.5 x 12 cm
Elina Marusova, Salve, 2023, stone masses, glazes, 45 x 30 x 30 cm
Elina Marusova, Salve, 2023, stone masses, glazes, 45 x 30 x 30 cm
Elina Marusova, Salve, 2023, stone masses, glazes, 45 x 30 x 30 cm
Elina Marusova, Salve, 2023, stone masses, glazes, 45 x 30 x 30 cm
Cassiel: Weißt du noch, wie wir zum ersten Mal hier waren? Damiel: Die Geschichte hatte noch nicht angefangen. Wir ließen es Morgen und Abend werden und warteten ab, was kommen würde. - Es brauchte lange, bis der Fluß sein Bett fand, bis das stehende Wasser überhaupt zu fließen begann. Urstrom Tal. Eines Tages, ich erinnere mich noch, hat hier der Gletscher gekalbt und die Eisberge segelten nach Norden. Einmal trieb ein Baumstamm vorbei, noch grün mit einem leeren Vogelnest. Myriaden von Jahren waren nur die Fische gesprungen. Dann kam der Augenblick, wo der Bienenschwarm ertrank. Cassiel: Eine Zeit später kämpften hier am Ufer die zwei Hirsche miteinander. Danach die Wolke von Fliegen und die Geweihe, wie Äste den Fluß hinab. Aufgerichtet hat sich immer wieder nur das Gras. Wuchs über die Kadaver der Wildkatzen, der Wildschweine, der Büffel. - Erinnerst du dich wie eines Morgens aus der Savanne. die Stirn verklebt mit dem Gras, der Zweibeiner, unser lang erwartetes Ebenbild, trat. Und wie sein erstes Wort ein Ausruf war. Hieß es `Ach´ oder `Ah´ oder ´Oh´? Oder war es einfach nur ein Stöhnen? Ankheev: Shadow Bezpalov: Kss m3 (SALT SELLER files) Deyash: A wound, an arrow and a swansong; I need a pair of wings, snowlike and translucent Demina: 4:38 am Kupriyanov: Say my name Kochetkova: Katya №2 Marusova: Salve Perova: I don’t care about my past anymore Zhilina: Annunziata Lyalina: I will see you from everywhere Falk: I can´t see you, but I know you are here. I feel it. Even hang around since I got you. I wish, I can see your face. - Just look into your eyes and tell you how good it is to here. Just to touch something, here it´s cold. I feel good. Oh, here, the smoke, have coffee and if you do it together it´s fantastic. Or to draw. You know, you take a pencil and you make a dark line, then you make a light line. And together it´s a good line. Or when your hands are cold. You rub it together. See, that´s good. It feels good. There are so many good things. But you are not here. I´m here. I wish, you were here. I hope you can talk to me. Because I'm a friend. - Companero.
Konstantin Serp