Anais Gauthier @anais_gauthier_
Permanente Instance
Project Info
- 💙 La scroll galerie
- 💚 La scroll galerie @scroll_galerie
- 🖤 Anais Gauthier @anais_gauthier_
- 💜 Elise Bergonzi @bergonz__
- 💛 Gregg Behin @greggyodel
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"As places of transformation in a quasi-clinical world, the immersive installations by Anaïs Gauthier hybridize the organic with the industrial. They are active as a body-machine that comes to break the silence to explore our contemporary care mechanisms. The artist proposes here an in-situ installation in two parts: a factory of the intimate that is mechanized, an imperfect machinery that becomes humanized. Unidentified hybrid forms question the mechanization of our bodies at work and their potential failure. The gears seem ready to shake like vital organs, but a permanent seepage betrays their emotional overheating."
Motorisation : Matthieu Grivelet @mat.basyl
Production : @scroll_galerie
Elise Bergonzi @bergonz__